Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Bonifay passes cemetery ordinance

BONIFAY – The final reading of Ordinance 422 , also known as the ‘cemetery ordinance’ was completed and subsequently approved when the Bonifay City Council met in regular session on Monday.

After the first draft of Ordinance 422 did not meet with public support, Mayor James “Eddie” Sims had the Cemetery Committee complete a rewrite and bring it back before the council. 

In the ordinance, the city maintains ownership of a lot only conveys the right of interment and should a lot not be used within 50 years, the council may reclaim unused lots by due process. No coping or any type of decorative bordering or trimming of any description shall be allowed around any grave or lots in any section of the cemetery. 

Any items that may impede maintenance crews from mowing are prohibited. Personal items may be placed on headstones, but benches are prohibited. 

The ordinance also calls for rate increases for both residents and  non-residents. A plot, two grave sites, previously cost $300 for city  residents, the cost is set to increase to $1,000 should the ordinance be approved after the final hearing. For non-residents, the initial cost  for a plot was $600, that would be increased to $2,000. The ordinance  states the plot must be paid for in full before interment can occur. 

The Bonifay City Council will meet again in special session at 6 p.m. on Nov. 18.

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