Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

County receives permit for Bonifay-Chipley Road

After more than two years of waiting, permits were approved for work on the Bonifay-Chipley Road paving project; however, Holmes County Board of County Commissioners learned of a condition that must be met before construction can begin when they met in regular session on April 19.

County Engineer Cliff Knauer advised the board of the permit award and of the condition laid forth by Department of Environmental Protection [FDEP] in order for the project to move forward. The State Historic Preservation Office requested that an archaeological study be done as the area is near a significant archaeological site that has already been documented and now the county must comply.

Once the study is completed one of two things will happen: if there are no findings the project will begin construction but of there are findings a phase II of the project will begin. According to Knauer, if there are findings a second phase will be required to conduct further studies. 

A Request for Quotes was approved for speed tables for Coursey Road. Commissioner Brandon Newsom brought the matter to the board last month after attention being called to the issue of speeding on the road and the edges of the newly paved road beginning to crack and crumble from people driving on it. Although the road was widened and paved the speed in which people drive causes some to move further over than necessary when passing thereby causing the degradation of the road. Knauer conducted a study of the road and advised the board there should be three speed tables placed: one in the middle and one 1,200 to 1,500 feet from each end to combat the speeding issue. A decision is expected to be made at the next meeting on the purchase of the tables.

UF/IFAS Director Kalyn Waters came before the board to give an update on the goings on with the extension office. Waters brought a few kids that took part in the Chick Chain program through 4-H to show off their fully-grown prize-winning chickens. Commissioner Clint Erickson expressed the board’s pride in the success of Waters and the children. “We are thankful for all the efforts you put forth, Kalyn, “said Erickson. “The success of these kids is evident in all of their work, we are very proud of all of you.”

Commissioners named County Manager David Corbin as March Employee of the Month with Chairman Earl Stafford saying, “If I was in his shoes and having to deal with five commissioners, I’d quit, “said Stafford. “David works hard for us and for this county, he is more than deserving of this recognition.”

The Holmes County Board of County Commissioners will meet again in regular session at 6 p.m. on May 3.

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