Holmes County Public Library hosting summer programs



Kids and families in Holmes and surrounding counties have the opportunity to begin their summer adventures at the Holmes County Public Library with a summer program of events. 

All programs will be from 10-11 a.m. The library’s first event is a reading and craft day Thursday, June 6. More reading and craft activities will be held June 20, July 18, and July 25. 

There will also be special guest visits for entertainment. In days to come, the community can enjoy a juggling act by the Quite-A-Catch juggler, Ron Anglin. This event will be held on June 13 at the Public Library Annex.

Other events include Atlantic Coast Theatre on June 27, musician Richard Peeples on July 11, and animal tales on Aug. 1. 

“The purpose of our summer program is to educate families and teach children lifetime skills all while sharing our love for reading.,” Library Assistant Director Shawna Langford said. “Summer is one of our hardest yet favorite times of the year. … The smiles on the children’s faces are worth all the hard work that comes with each program.”

Due to being short staffed, Langford says it is a busy atmosphere at the library. However, the staff is beyond excited knowing that summertime is finally here, she added.

The summer program is funded by the Public Panhandle Library Cooperative System under the provisions of the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program, along with other donations from the community. 

“The purpose of our Summer Program is to educate families and teach children life skills all while sharing our love for reading,” Langford said. “We enjoy offering free family fun to the families of Holmes County and surrounding counties yearly.”

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