Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Doctors Memorial Hospital raises flag in honor of Organ Donation Month 

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Doctors Memorial Hospital in Bonifay commemorated Organ Donation Month with a ceremony at the hospital’s flagpole on April 9. Interim CEO Rohan Anderson led the procession to the pole, where he and hospital staff paid tribute to the profound impact of organ donations on individuals and communities.

The ceremony began with Pastor Jeffrey Amerson leading the group in prayer. Pastor Amerson shared his personal story on the matter. 

“By the age of 18, I had already undergone over 20 surgeries and was informed of my kidney disease by age 25,” Amerson said. “Through the organ donation process, I have encountered numerous incredible individuals with truly giving hearts.”

Organ Donation Month was recognized by the local community during a ceremony hosted at Doctors Memorial Hospital, which included remarks from attendees on their personal experiences with organ donation. [GARETT VALCOURT | The Advertiser] 

The Holmes County High School JROTC Honor Guard, under the command of Major Justin Shore, raised the Organ Donation flag, observed by the large crowd gathered.

Myron Hudson, former Holmes County Superintendent and current District 9 trustee for West Florida Electric Cooperative, also shared his own experience.

“My wife is alive today because of a liver transplant and I stand before you as a testament to the importance of organ donation, having received a donated kidney due to hypertension,” Hudson said. “I am blessed by this process, as my daughter selflessly gave of herself for me.”

Lesley Garcia from LifeNet Health provided some statistics on organ donations, highlighting that each donor has the potential to donate up to eight life-saving organs. 

Ira Miller, Hospital Services Coordinator for LifeQuest, said that in the Florida Panhandle alone, there were 75 organ transplants in the past year, with over 325 organs harvested. He added that they harvested over 900 organs from Jacksonville to south Ocala.

“The ballet of logistics is amazing,” Miller said. “We ensure that every organ arrives on target promptly.”

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