Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

OPINION: Biden and Carter – Two Peanuts in the Same Shell Game

Gas prices and inflation shoot up, there is trouble in Iran, crime is increasing and we have commodity shortages, “economic malaise,” problems at the border and lines at the gas stations. Wow, that visit between Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter is starting to make sense. And, if you can believe it, music today is even worse than disco.



Things are trending so badly that even Jimmy Carter is starting to compare Joe Biden to Jimmy Carter. Geico should be running commercials saying “You can save 25% by switching back to Trump.” 



When asked at the border by Fox News reporters why they are coming here, illegals say they want to “escape socialism” in despot-led countries like Venezuela. Obviously, border crossers are not keeping up with politics in America. 



For the kids out there, Jimmy Carter was a nice, old-line Democrat who became president after a scoundrel was president. Then people realized that they had made a mistake. Right now I would happily trade a few mean Tweets for $1.95 per gallon gas and lower taxes. And Trump has been quiet.


Personally, I am starting to believe he is not going to release his tax returns. 

Trump had great policies but his brash personality wore on people. Still, he was a refreshing change. Trump was like being married to a nymphomaniac: fun for about a month. 



Jimmy Carter was a devout Baptist; he did not chase women or drink.  Actually, he was less of a president and more of a narc. And he taught Trump something.  You can be a one-term president, but that does not mean you can’t continue to be a pain in the butt when you are out of office. 



The economy boomed under Clinton and Trump. It did not under Carter and Obama. The economics lesson is clear to those paying attention: marital fidelity is not good for business. 



Like Biden, Carter opposed busing and voted with solidly with Southern Democrats to impede civil rights. And also like Biden, Carter now lectures the rest of us on race and calls us “racist.” Nothing is better than two old men from slave states lecturing us on how to treat blacks. 



Like Carter, Biden wants to raise taxes that will hurt the economy. Tax increases are where the supposed “government of the people and by the people” stick it to the people to support their own big government. 

Both Biden and Carter thought they could regulate citizens’ behavior through dictates from a heavy-handed central government in D.C. Carter lowered the speed limits on highways to 55 mph while he flew around on jets and rode in limousines.  Biden wants to outlaw menthol cigarettes. Wasn’t that the type Obama smoked?



Carter thought he could tell Americans to turn their heat down and put on a sweater. Biden tells everyone to wear a mask — unless you are already fully brainwashed by the left and/or support a 50% tax increase. 



Jimmy Carter had a relative who was a PR thorn in his side, his brother Billy. Biden has his son, Hunter, who appeared on late night TV and admitted that, if he did not run with the ho’s, do cocaine and party all night, he’d be settled down with a wife, a mortgage and a bunch of kids. So I guess every decision has its positives. 



Like Jimmy Carter, Biden is old and living well. Lifelong politician Biden bikes, swims naked and watches what he eats. He takes care of himself, as is evidenced by his personal net worth.



Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Biden has a trillion-plus-dollar “infrastructure bill” with peanuts in it for actual infrastructure. Some want to compare Biden’s proposed spending on “infrastructure” to the Depression-era spending of FDR. I do not buy it. The only thing that FDR and Biden have in common is their inability to walk up stairs. 



I do like the comment that Carter made on Meet the Depressed with Chuck Todd. He says he does not send emails because the NSA sees them. I like his libertarian bent, but it is also probably because he does not know how to work a computer from Plains, GA. 



Both Biden and Carter really felt that government had the answers to all our problems. They could tell us what to do, how to live and what to eat. I have a buddy who drinks, eats a cheeseburger a day, supports Republicans and drives a Hummer. I feel like maybe I am supposed to turn him in to the government.


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