Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Bethlehem teacher grateful for ‘poinsettia Christmas miracle’

The story of the miracle in Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus Christ, is heard often during the Christmas season. However, another story of a miracle in Bethlehem took place recently during a fundraiser for Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and Future Farmers of America (FFA).

Bethlehem School’s FBLA and FFA Clubs hold an annual fundraiser each year to raise money for traveling to competitions and club awards. 

This year was no different. The clubs set about selling poinsettias with a goal of 450 of the plants. However, the closer to the deadline the clubs got, the numbers were still low, so FBLA Sponsor Carrie Hayford took to social media along with students and parents and the goal was quickly met.

While on Thanksgiving break from school and on a trip with her family, Hayford received a phone call from the nursery that their order could not be filled due to a poinsettia shortage of more than 12,000 plants. 

After all the hard work students put in to get the orders, Hayford says hearing the orders would not be filled was like a “sucker punch to the gut.”

Hayford says that many phone calls and prayers later, she finally found someone with the help of friend Wade Ellenburg, who recommended Shore Acre Plant Farm in Theodore, Alabama.

By 6 p.m. the same night, the farm said they would have 450 poinsettia plants to the school the week after Thanksgiving.

Hayford says she believes God listens and knows the need. “Nothing is too small to pray about,” said Hayford. “These plants were prayed over extensively. God knew what we needed, and he came through with a miracle.”

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