Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Bonifay accepts $1 million for Memorial Field project

BONIFAY – Bids for work to begin on Memorial Field will soon go out for advertisement. 

Last month the City of Bonifay requested an advance of $110,470 for the project from the Department of Economic Opportunity grant but were informed they would need to take the entire $1 million or none at all. The Bonifay City Council approved the acceptance of the funds and the advertisement for bid when they met in special session on Jan. 3.

The project will see improvements to the drainage system under the stands at Memorial Field.

In other business, Holley Development’s pay request for work on the Fire Station expansion project was approved in the amount of $95,900.

The Downtown Revitalization Committee brought forward revised plans for the parking lot between Bush Paint and Bowen Hardware paving project. The plans include expanding the paving from the parking lot to the USDA building and adding some landscaping. The council approved the plans.

The Bonifay City Council will meet again in regular session at 6 p.m. on Jan. 10

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