Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

City of Bonifay approves 1.9 mil bid recommendation for Stormwater

The City of Bonifay advertised for bids for the Stormwater Park Project on October 23. A non-mandatory bid meeting was held on November 13, attended by five prospective bidders. On Monday, December 9, at approximately 3 p.m., the bids were opened and read aloud in the Bonifay City Clerk’s office.

Six companies responded to the city’s advertisement and submitted sealed bids. Of the six bids received, three exceeded the allocated budget of two million dollars. One bidder withdrew due to not meeting the required Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) standards.

As a result, two bids were within the two million dollar budget for the Stormwater Park. Emerald Coast Site Construction (ECSC LLC) and Gulf Coast Utility Contractors (GCUC) were the lowest bidders. After a review by Melvin Engineering, an engineering consulting firm working with the City of Bonifay, it was determined that ECSC LLC was the lowest responsive bidder, with a total bid amount of $1,988,938.94, which is under the budgeted construction amount of two million dollars. 

Melvin Engineering recommended that the City of Bonifay award the contract for the Bonifay Stormwater Park to ECSC LLC, pending approval from the Department of Environmental Protection. The Bonifay City Council voted to approve this recommendation.

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