Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Tips from your FPL energy experts to save this holiday season

Ready to get in the holiday spirit and level up your home’s decor while keeping your bill as low
as possible? Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) is offering five valuable tips and free
resources to help customers save this holiday season.
Tips to Save All Holiday Season Long:

  1. Deck the halls with LED string lights which use 80% to 90% less energy and last 10x as
    long as incandescent. Consider adding solar powered lighting to your holiday décor,
    which uses zero energy.
  2. Plug your lights and inflatables into an outlet timer and program them to turn off
    automatically when you’re asleep. The fewer hours you run your decorations, the less
    energy you use.
  3. If you opt for inflatables, consider a smart power strip to avoid phantom energy usage,
    which draws from decorations that appear off and can account for 5% – 10% of your
    energy usage.
  4. Go energy free and supplement your holiday displays with ornaments, wreaths, ribbons
    and pathway decorations.
  5. Consider firing up the grill. Cooking outside will keep your home cool, allowing your A/C
    to take a much-needed rest. When cooking indoors, always use the smallest appliance
    needed for the task.
    NEW! House of Savings Holiday Challenge:
    25 Floridians will now have the chance to win a holiday-inspired prize pack with the FPL House
    of Savings Challenge’s seasonal prize period. Winners can choose between two different
    versions of the $150 DIY Holiday House of Savings kits, featuring energy savers like holiday
    LED lights, outdoor smart timers and more.
    In the Challenge, players help get a home’s energy usage on track by answering questions
    about its energy consumption. Those with the most correctly answered questions can become
    eligible to win a holiday-themed, energy-saving kit for their home or donate their prize to FPL’s
    Care To Share program, dedicated to helping fellow Floridians in need.

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