The GOP can’t control the House; Biden can’t control the border or anything


Everyone loves to visit our nation’s capital in Washington, D.C. Some 1.2 million visitors go through the White House each year. The only other U.S. attraction with more visitors each year is our Rio Grande River. 

This is a sensitive subject for the White House, whose goal is to let in more migrants who will swell blue states with population and help Democrats win more power. For a party that says it is ‘for the blue-collar worker,’ blindly letting illegals into this country does nothing for those workers. 

If you are framing houses on a construction site for $20 an hour and an illegal Honduran comes in who is willing to do it for $15, whom does it hurt? Not the rich who are getting a better deal. It hurts our workers. 

This topic of illegal immigration, along with the crime and homelessness that porous borders foretell, animates many voters. Elon Musk owns the only media the left does not control, and the White House was miffed when he visited the Mexican border to see the situation for himself.  

His visit drew 70 million views on Twitter (aka X) but they could have been all the migrants watching to see if they could see themself on TV. 

Or Elon, ever the businessman, might have showed up at the border to host a job fair for Tesla or Space X. Either way, Biden did not like it, which explains why he sicced his DOJ on Musk for a trumped-up accounting charge from a decade ago. 

What has made immigration an issue is that now many of the illegal crossers are going to northern ‘sanctuary cities.’ You remember these cities, whose sanctimonious mayors announced they were so kind and open to illegals-until a few of them came there. Now they are clutching their pearls in disbelief.

Why wouldn’t illegal immigrants go to Democrat stronghold cities like Philadelphia? They do not know English but they see pictures on our TV news of gangs of people taking all they want from stores as long as they rush in in big groups and can haul the stuff out of there real quick-like. America? What a country! 

All this happens and the Democrats just stand by, say nothing, and stare blindly. Whatever Mitch McConnell has, it seems to be contagious in Congress. 

The curious thing about Democrats and all these Venezuelans and the like fleeing oil- and resource-rich socialist countries is that they seem to miss the irony. If they want to sit at the border and interview migrants fleeing these countries, or visit Cuba, it would be like an Ayn Rand symposium for anyone willing to pay attention. Yet they want to steer America that way. 

Like many Americans, when this government shuts down, or even if it doesn’t (hard to tell the difference), I might call our government in D.C. and cancel my subscription. We should have an ‘opt-out’ button for government. 

With the government printing all this deficit spending money, inflation is so high that even former Speaker Kevin McCarthy lost his house. There was drama when the House voted to oust McCarthy. I knew he was in trouble when C-Span cameras kept panning to the gallery seats to show Taylor Swift pulling for him. 

If Biden and the Democrats have their way, our country will change. If you think unchecked immigration does not change a country, ask our Native Americans. We must get this under control; South Texas is the future if we do not. Now if you go to the Walmart in Eagle Pass, Texas, you will find hotdogs and apple pie in the Ethnic Food Section. 

It is not like Texas has not tried to fight the Feds on protecting the border. Texas Governor Abbot had much of the border near the Rio Grande blocked by just putting up buoy fences and razor wire. The DOJ sued Governor Abbot, charging him with two counts of implementing a government program that worked. 

As bad as Biden is, Republicans need to stop just focusing on abortion, stop bickering, and put on their fiscal responsibility hats so they can win. 

Biden watched the Republican debate at the Reagan Library and became more confident than ever in his reelection chances. After watching the GOP debate, President Biden feels deep down in his soul, at his core, that he is the best-positioned Democrat to beat Ronald Reagan in the 2024 election.

A libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, Ron does commentary on radio and TV. He can be contacted at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

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