A woman in blue jacket smiling for the camera.


Do you know someone who reminds you of a broken doll that needs to be returned to the toy factory? So brokenhearted from their mess-ups that their spirits are crushed? Someone so ashamed because of their wrong choices that they can’t face anyone – even God? 

Is this how you would describe yourself?

God understands our crushing discouragement and shame, which is why He says in Hebrews 4:16 (ESV), ‘Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’

No matter what else we’re dealing with, when shame and turmoil are added to the mix, our ‘time of need’ escalates.

What would happen if we asked God to show us how He hates our sin, but still loves us? To help us despise our sin as much as He despises it – and accept His love and mercy as freely as He gives it? 

For years, when I battled eating disorders and other self-harming behavior, I felt like a broken doll. So broken that the toy factory probably would have tossed me aside. I know firsthand how the enemy uses the shame of our mess-ups. 

He convinces us we’re not worth people’s time, so we withdraw from the very people we need to be around – those at church, our family and God. 

Every day we isolate, hopelessness sets in deeper.

Please don’t let Satan get away with this.

In my desperation, I finally poured out my heart at the throne of grace and found wholeness in Christ’s mercy. It wasn’t long before I allowed supportive people back into my life.

Read Hebrews 4:16 again.

What if, rather than dwelling on the mess you’ve made, you drew near to the throne of grace and talked to your heavenly Father? Ask Him to help you make things right with those you’ve hurt with your sinful choices. Ask God to heal them ‘” and you ‘” from the consequences of your sin.

Whatever your situation, I hope you’ll go boldly to God and tell Him everything. Ask Him to give you true sorrow for your mess-ups and sins. Freely accept Almighty God’s love and mercy. 

And, while you’re at the throne of grace in this time of need, allow God’s grace to heal you from your brokenness.

Sheryl H. Boldt is the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at SherylHBoldt@gmail.com.

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