Let’s ‘fall on our knees’ this Christmas

A woman in blue jacket smiling for the camera.
As a little girl, I spent delightful moments singing about the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. I gazed at our small nativity scene. I loved looking at all the characters gathered devotedly around the newborn child: Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, the wise men – even the animals. The scene was warm, sweet and serene. As much as I could comprehend at that young age, I knew it was a holy scene. I didn’t understand (and probably never will fully understand) Who that baby boy truly was. But in my little girl way, I knew Jesus was a very special baby. I loved that baby. As I grew, so did my understanding of why that tiny, precious child was so special. And so did my love for Who that baby was – and is. In my now grown-up way, I see and love Jesus as the King of kings, Almighty God, Lord and Savior. Whenever I hear the glorious words “Fall on your knees” in “O Holy Night,” I want to do just that. My heart overflows with the desire to worship my King. During this Christmas season, I seek to enter an even deeper, more worshipful relationship with the One Who left the glories of heaven to be born and live among us. If you’d like to join me, let’s begin by looking at Psalm 95:6 (ESV) and practice its message: “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” Have you ever wondered how different our lives would be if we simply decided to worship God? Truly worshiped Him. From the heart. How would our lives change if we made worship part of our daily quiet time? What would happen if our first response to every circumstance, good or bad, was to revere God, acknowledging His power and compassion? Rather than allowing our thoughts to be consumed with what we’ll be getting (or did get) for Christmas, what if we took deliberate steps to get to know Jesus and the wonders of His person? Who He is. The way He thinks. His marvelous ways. What if we took the time (and made the effort) to truly discover what Christmas is all about? And what if, during this Christmas season and into the new year, every day that we spend time praising our Lord and Maker … … we end up loving Him a little bit more? Sheryl H. Boldt is the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at SherylHBoldt@gmail.com.

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