Senior citizens got to get their blood pressure checked, meet face-to-face with representatives from Northwest Florida Community Hospital and other resources, and get popcorn during the 2024 Senior Expo held Friday, May 3.
The event was hosted by the Washington and Holmes Counties Council on Aging at the Washington County Ag Center.

The event filled the Ag Center’s inside space and had a line out the door of people waiting to get in at the start.
Council on Aging Executive Director Michael Brown said they were “really happy” with the turnout.
“This is a great way to connect with the elderly in our community and with the people we partner with,” Brown said.
Some of the organizations who had tables at the expo included Gracefully Broken Kayaking, Washington County EMS, and National HealthCare Corporation.
“We service with (the Council on Aging). We do events with their seniors,” Emerald Coast Hospice Care Consultant Lori Carter said. “We like (the Senior Expo). We’re very community based. We feel working with a community partner is a big way to support our community.”
Joseph Bishop attended the event and said he tries to make it every year. He enjoys seeing the people at the Senior Expo and appreciates the resources available.
“They’re doing good,” Bishop said of the Council on Aging and Senior Expo.