Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Holmes County to commemorate 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks

EDITOR’S NOTE: A print version of this story, published in September 8 Holmes County Times-Advertiser, stated the Day of Remembrance event would be held at the Holmes County Agricultural Center site. The location of the event was changing during the planning stages, and this story has been updated to reflect the new location.

BONIFAY – Holmes County residents and emergency responders will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks this Saturday, September 11, in the Bonifay K-8 School auditorium.

The event will begin at 9 a.m. and will feature guest speakers representing Holmes CountyÂ’s emergency responders, including Sheriff John Tate representing law enforcement, Travis Cook and Ryan Martin representing fire departments, Steve Connell representing EMS. Pastor John Richbourg is also slated to speak.

Other portions of the program will include presentations by the Holmes County High School JROTC, the singing of the National Anthem by Trish Brannon, and special music by Russell McNeal.

The event is expected to culminate with the traditional “Last Call,” presented by dispatchers with the Holmes County Communications Center.

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