Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
A mural on the side of Cloud Auto Parts in Bonifay depicts the town’s idyllic nature and history. It was created by local artist Brandi Jordan. [COLLIN BREAUX | Holmes County Advertiser]

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People driving into Bonifay coming off Highway 90 may have noticed a large mural on the side of Cloud Auto Parts.

A mural on the side of Cloud Auto Parts in Bonifay depicts the town’s idyllic nature and history. It was created by local artist Brandi Jordan. [COLLIN BREAUX | Holmes County Advertiser]
The mural depicts a tractor, the Bonifay water tower, dirt road, and the famous song lyrics “Country roads take me home.” It was created by local artist Brandi Jordan.


Project coordinator Emily McCann said Jordan is great at bringing out aspects of Bonifay in her work.

“It’s a landscape scene with a really beautiful sunset,” McCann said. “She was making a nod to Cloud Auto Parts with the tractor.”

The depiction is part of a project commissioning murals throughout Holmes County, with another in Esto reflecting that town’s famous folklore icon Two-Toed Tom and others on the sides of Cancun’s Mexican Grill and Heavenly Hair & Massage Therapy, as well as depicting the Northwest Florida Championship Rodeo–one of the area’s biggest annual events.

“It’s been a really positive project,” McCann said. “It’s really neat to have all of these artists right here.” 

For the Cloud Auto Parts mural, McCann said Jordan had different versions in her mind before the work came to life and that Jordan talked with the business owners about how the mural could reflect the shop.

“She can draw anything in her brain,” McCann said.

The public artwork beautifies Downtown Bonifay and gives people a chance to reminisce about days gone by, she said. The mural can be a starting point for sharing memories, according to McCann.

“It’s a unifying project,” she said.

The City of Bonifay stated on their Facebook page that the project “could not have been possible without the financial backing of the Holmes County Tourist Development Council.”

Community officials are getting feedback from residents on if they want more murals, McCann said. Locals are also welcome to reach out to the City of Bonifay with their ideas on future beautification projects or ways to bring attention to town by emailing [email protected].

“I really think we’re lucky to live where we live,” McCann said. “This mural was an outpouring of that. Holmes County and Bonifay is such a joy to live in.” 


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