Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Welfare check escalates into high-speed pursuit

Jasper Hatcher allegedly eluded police after a welfare check and ultimately crashed his vehicle in front of the Vernon Post Office.


What started as a welfare check, shortly escalated into a high-speed chase for the Bonifay Police Department.

At approximately 8:12 a.m., January 9, the Bonifay Police Department responded to a welfare check at the intersection of Hwy 173 and State Road 79. The subject of the welfare check was identified as Jasper Hatcher, a black male driving an older model Ford Explorer with a Tennessee license plate.

In a press release, Bonifay Police Department stated upon arrival at the intersection, officers observed a black Ford Explorer matching the description stopped at a red light. The driver, later identified as Jasper Hatcher, appeared to be waving and pointing westward while exhibiting erratic behavior. Officers followed the vehicle and confirmed the Tennessee license plate matched the description provided by dispatch.

According to the release, an officer attempted a traffic stop on the 2012 Ford Explorer at 809 S. Waukesha St. Initially, Hatcher appeared to comply, but moments later, he accelerated, refusing to yield. A vehicle pursuit ensued southbound on State Road 79 through the City of Bonifay and into Washington County.

During the pursuit, Hatcher allegedly drove recklessly, utilizing the center turn lane to pass vehicles, weaving in and out of traffic, and reaching speeds in excess of 100 mph. As the pursuit continued into Washington County, their agency was notified of the pursuit. 

The vehicle pursuit continued into the City of Vernon and upon reaching the intersection of State Road 79 and County Road 277, Hatcher made an aggressive lane change to avoid a collision, narrowly missing a silver Toyota truck. This maneuver caused him to lose control of the vehicle, which crossed the center median, rotated counterclockwise, and exited the roadway. The vehicle overturned and came to rest/stop on the property of the Vernon Post Office at 3039 Main St. Hatcher was taken into custody without further incident and transported to the Washington County Jail for booking.

Hatcher is facing multiple charges, including fleeing and attempting to elude law enforcement and reckless driving.

In the press release, the Bonifay Police Department extended its gratitude to the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office and Washington County Sheriff’s Office for their support and assistance during this incident. No injuries were reported.

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