Mon. Mar 31st, 2025
A group of people sitting at a table in front of windows.A two-year lease for the Bonifay Police Department to utilize the former Holmes County Sheriff’s Office center on North Oklahoma Street was approved by the Bonifay City Council on Monday, Nov. 6. [COLLIN BREAUX | Washington County News and Holmes County Advertiser]


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The Bonifay Police Department is all set to move into the former Holmes County Sheriff’s Office center on North Oklahoma Street.

The Bonifay City Council unanimously approved a lease for the BPD’s new headquarters on Monday, Nov. 6. The agreement is good for two years until October 31, 2025.

The City of Bonifay has the option to renew the lease for an additional two years with the permission of Holmes County. The HCSO has moved into a new administrative center on Highway 90. 

Bonifay representatives initially expressed interest in the BPD utilizing the former HCSO center during a Holmes County Board of County Commissioners meeting in October. Holmes County Sheriff John Tate and county commissioners have been receptive to the idea and helped facilitate aspects of the transition.

‘The move is being handled, pretty much, in house,’ Bonifay City Clerk Rickey Callahan said. ‘We had to pay for some cleaning-it was in pretty tough shape-but, other than that, there are really no other costs. They’re not charging us. We are paying the utilities but, in return, we are allowing the veteran’s service office to occupy space in the fire department building.’

The BPD has shared administrative space with Bonifay Fire-Rescue at 809 South Waukesha Street. 

In other Bonifay news, local nonprofit Waukesha Way will hold a Christmas event on Dec. 2 in conjunction with Bonifay Fire-Rescue at Eureka Square. Kids will have a chance to meet and take free pictures with Santa. There will also be vendors and a tree lighting ceremony. 

Goodie bags will also be given out to children by the Bonifay Kiwanis Club. 

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