Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

CareerSource Chipola seeks nominations for military veteran board members

MARIANNA – CareerSource Chipola is seeking nominations for a member of the Board of Directors representing veterans of our armed services. The names and information for all qualified individuals nominated will be forwarded to the five-county workforce consortium so that they may select the individual to fill the position. 

This position is not mandated by federal or state requirements; however, the Board of Directors felt it was important to have a member of the board dedicated to representing the needs of veterans in the labor force. 

All CareerSource Chipola board members are volunteers that do not receive compensation for their service, but board members are reimbursed for travel to board meetings or other board events. 

CareerSource Chipola is responsible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs as well as other programs designed to move individuals to self-sufficiency through employment. Nominations may be made by any recognized veteran service organization. To be qualified for appointment an individual must be a veteran of a branch of the U.S. military services, live in one of the five counties served by CareerSource Chipola, and be willing to attend meetings six times per year. 

To request a nomination form, contact Tabetha Smith by email at [email protected] or by phone at 850.633.2731. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, May 28, 2021.

CareerSource Chipola is a non-profit corporation providing job skill training and employment services in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty and Washington Counties. CSC works with multiple education facilities as well as state and local agencies to help our residents obtain and maintain employment as well as working with employers to help them find the workforce they need. The majority of CSC board members must come from the private sector.

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