March 24 aligns numerically with the City of Bonifay’s ZIP code, 32425. While not an official holiday, the City has informally recognized the date as “Bonifay Day,” using it as a moment to reflect on the community’s history, growth, and shared values.
According to an announcement made on the City of Bonifay’s official social media, Bonifay Day is intended to highlight the positive aspects of the city and the individuals who contribute to its progress. The message acknowledges the foundation laid by previous generations and emphasizes the role current residents play in shaping the city’s future.
The post states: “The ‘good ole days’ built the foundation of the traditions we cherish, while today’s efforts are shaping the future of Bonifay. We’re proud of where we’ve come from, and we’re just as proud of where we’re headed.”
The City encourages citizens to take time on this day to recognize the beauty, hope, and forward movement found throughout the community — from local businesses and schools to public spaces and civic initiatives.
Bonifay Day, while symbolic, serves as a meaningful reminder of the city’s identity and its ongoing commitment to progress and community wellbeing.