Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

A joyful return – and a solemn promise

This week began with my return to the newsroom, and I am honored to once again be serving both Holmes and Washington counties.

When I left this role three years ago, I thought I was retiring from the field of journalism, but with the purchase of the Holmes County Times-Advertiser and Washington County News by Panhandle-owned Neves Media Publishing, I couldn’t resist coming back to these beloved hometown newspapers. I knew the spirit behind the purchase, that it meant a return to our community and a new commitment to focusing on local news and events.

To be frank, our community is unique in many ways, and while corporate-owned publications are not intrinsically a bad thing, that type of ownership is perhaps not the best fit for these specific publications.

Looking forward, readers can expect a stronger focus on local news and events, as well as many other positive changes which are still on the horizon. Bottom line: You spoke. We listened.

I thank you all for your patience as we are still in the transitional phase former owner Gannett has so graciously granted us while we build new systems and add resources needed to better serve you. As Publisher Nicole Barefield says, “There’s a lot of moving parts.”

Meanwhile, I would like to reiterate that these are indeed your newspapers. The News and Times-Advertiser are the scrapbooks of our community, the keepers of milestones, and the sharers of both our greatest sorrows and joys. Your input – whether it be a news tip, story suggestion, or submission – is always welcome.

Get ready, Holmes and Washington counties. We’re about to bring it home.

Carol Kent Wyatt is Editor of Washington County News and Holmes County Times-Advertiser. Email her at: [email protected]

This article originally appeared on Washington County News: A joyful return – and a solemn promise

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