Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

My mid-year review

Now that Joe Biden and the Democrats are ensconced in Washington, the COVID pandemic is suddenly over. Red states that did not have as many Draconian laws imposed on them by their Republican leaders did better in almost all facets of COVID: business recovery, unemployment, schools, etc. Blue state Dems are frightened that they no longer have the power to mandate masks, so they might require masks to help stop racism and climate change. Or maybe they might make mask wearing optional just to remind people that they did not vote for Trump.


– Biden finally took his mask off the other day and, as we all thought, it was Obama under there. 


-50-year Swamp denizen Dr. Anthony Fauci has flip-flopped more times than a carp just banked on the lake shore. The CDC and the WHO did agree on something recently: The best thing you can do for your health and well-being is to not listen to the CDC and WHO.


-VP Kamala Harris and her assistant, President Joe Biden, stayed on message last week. They like to focus on racial divide all they can, with even more division as their goal. Biden visited Tulsa, Oklahoma, where there was racial violence in 1921. He brought his own special brand of racial sensitivity to the 100-year-old wound that he enjoyed reopening and then piously lecturing us about. He mentioned all the Congressmen who were KKK members back then, but he didn’t mention that they were all Democrats.


If Joe Biden heals racial wounds in Oklahoma, his next stop is the West Bank to handle Hamas and Israel, then on to settle the long-standing Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote feud. 


-Hamas and Israel are again shooting rockets at each other, so there is now a sense of normalcy with Biden in office. You only have small windows in time to get a deal done in the Middle East; it’s like the return of the McRib or the swallows to Capistrano. The problem is that the Israelis want to negotiate under Judaic Law, Hamas under Islamic Law, and Biden’s team under Murphy’s Law. 


-Between the much talked about “vaccine passports” needed to travel and the unchecked power of the ever-expanding police state of the NSA, privacy is fleeting. I do not know what I will do if I have to come up with another password that I cannot remember. If the government continues to snoop on us and figures out my password, I am going to have to go back in time and rename my first pet. 


-We live in a left-wing world where we are told to believe that Elizabeth Warren is Native American; Michelle Obama, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are oppressed; Greta Thornburg (a Nordic teen) is a climate change expert; and George Floyd was a hero. Most troubling, we are still led to believe that Chicken McNuggets come from chickens. 


– Prince Harry lambasted our First Amendment in his and his wife’s ongoing attempt to be victims. His life coach just sent him down to the minors for rehab. Prince Harry said he cried about how he was treated for years, but neither his butler nor any of his twenty servants would listen.


-For years in Hollywood, to make it stars had to abase themselves before Harvey Weinstein and look the other way.  For lefties to survive today, they must look the other way and abase themselves before China. 


-During the Biden, Jimmy Carter-like, gas lines of a couple of weeks ago, we all learned a valuable lesson about supply and demand. It was a scary time. Fauci came in with some advice when getting gas was a problem. He said if we did not drive for two weeks, we could flatten the demand curve and fix everything. One guy in my hometown who is my age knew how to siphon gas and did it a few times until he tried it on a Tesla and electrocuted himself. 


-Thank goodness these celebrity award shows are on the ropes. With all the “woke” lectures, many Americans have stopped watching them. Rating are dismal, and no one wants to be preached at by condescending celebs. I predict that next year the “In Memorial” section at the end of the Grammys will include the Grammys.


– For those who do not want to work, government is doling out checks, which is hurting the economy. It is hard on folks. Many of those poor Americans refusing to go back to work have to choose between a nice vacation, the new iPhone12 or that tattoo they’ve been wanting.


Ron Hart may be contacted via email at: [email protected] or on Twitter at: @RonaldHart

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