What do you call a piece of spaghetti wearing a false mustache? An impasta!

All levity aside, thereÂ’s nothing funny when someone deceives or lies to us. In fact, thereÂ’s no better way to sabotage a relationship.

Being an impasta can manifest itself in other ways, too, such as when we hand in false expense accounts or take credit for someone elseÂ’s work.

Could being an impasta also include exaggerating about our successes or skills? Ouch. ItÂ’s scary how easy it is to lie or exaggerate about ourselves, thus compromising our integrity.

If weÂ’re honest (while discussing our lack of honesty), could we admit that even those of us who profess to be Christ-followers struggle with this sin? Perhaps we should all ask God to show us areas weÂ’re living as an impasta.

Our questions shouldnÂ’t be, “What little white lie or exaggeration can I get away with and still be Christlike?” or “What kind of behavior can I get away with and still be okay with God?”

Rather, we should ask ourselves, “How can I behave in such a way as to reflect the One Who made me in His image?”

Read Ephesians 4:25 (ESV), taking special notice of the last phrase: “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”

If we live and speak dishonestly to those we do life with, we not only compromise our Christian witness, we cheapen our relationships. Our friends will never get to know the real us. And worst, we will eventually lose sight of whatÂ’s true and not true about ourselves and others.

Is lying, for whatever reason, worth the price of losing othersÂ’ respect for us? Or our self-respect?

Greater still, is it worth grieving our heavenly Father?

LetÂ’s choose not to be an impasta. Especially a Christian impasta.

Sheryl H. Boldt, a Franklin County resident, is author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at SherylHBoldt@gmail.com.

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