PDL sets tentative millage and budget

PONCE DE LEON – The Ponce de Leon Town Council set the town’s tentative millage and budget when they met in regular session on July 8. 

The Ad Valorem tax is tentatively set at the same rate as last year of 1.0106, which will bring in an estimated $25,000 in revenue. 2021 is only the third year Ponce de Leon has collected Ad Valorem tax. 

The tentative budget is set at $1,027,965. The town’s largest expenditure is projected to be $84,250 in salaries for employees. The largest recurring revenue stream comes from franchise fees, totaling $50,000.
The largest non-recurring revenue source comes from the Florida
Department of Transportation Small Community Outreach Project grant, totaling $200,000.
The final budget is set to be approved on August 12.

In other business, council is expecting to hear results by the end of September on an application made for a Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (SEARCH) grant. If approved, the grant will be used to fund a new wastewater treatment plant.

Council is seeking a separate grant through the Northwest Florida Water Management District to fund a septic receiver which Mayor Shane Busby states would not only increase the townÂ’s revenue, but also serve as the closest site for local companies to dump solid waste. 

In other items, a resolution to increase reconnection fees is set to be presented at the next meeting. If adopted, the resolution would increase the fees from $15 to $25.

The recreation department will hold a “boot drive” from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, July 31 to raise funds for purchasing speed humps to place at
ballpark. The speed humps are the bolted down variety and will only be in use during ball season.

Ponce de Leon Town Council will meet again in regular session at 6 p.m., Thursday, August 12.

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