Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Bids are starting for Stormwater Park

HANNAH COLLINS | The Holmes County Advertiser

In response to flooding issues, the City of Bonifay has launched the construction of Stormwater Park, a flood mitigation facility aimed at addressing persistent drainage problems in the area. The idea of a flood mitigation facility began in early 2021 following a comprehensive drainage study that identified the need for a stormwater management solution.

In 2022, the city successfully applied for funding through the Resilient Florida Program, securing a grant to acquire an acre of land and construct a stormwater pond. This pond, covering approximately 0.6 acres, will not only help control floodwaters but will also offer passive park features such as a walking trail, benches, and park lighting. A fountain will be installed in the pond, serving both as a visual centerpiece and as an aeration system to improve water quality and prevent algae.

In addition to the park amenities, construction will involve modifying an existing box culvert under Moody Street, which will be lowered and expanded to enhance drainage capabilities across the area.

The project is currently out for bids, with a pre-bid meeting for contractors scheduled on Wednesday, November 13. Bids are due by 3:00 p.m. December 9, after which Melvin Engineering will review proposals and make a recommendation to the city council. An official bid award announcement is expected during the council meeting on December 16.

A representative from Melvin Engineering has projected that construction will commence in mid-January 2025, with completion targeted for late spring or early summer. Once completed, Stormwater Park will serve as both a community green space and a critical piece of infrastructure in Bonifay’s flood prevention efforts.

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