Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Bonifay Council approves utility rate increase

Bonifay residents and businesses will soon see an increase on their September water bills. Bonifay City Council approved the measure when the board met in regular session August 8.

Council members approved a rate study conducted by the Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA). FRWA recommended one major increase to bring the city up to date with their rates; however, council members chose to spread the increase over a three-year period.

Current base rates for water and sewage for residential customers inside the city limits is $52.21 for the first 2,000 gallons. The base rate will increase to $63.55, a 31 percent increase for the first year. In 2023, the base rate will increase to $73.41, before topping out at $83.25 in 2024.

Residential customers outside city limits have a current water and sewer rate of $67.92 for the first 2,000 gallons. That rate will increase to $79.43, about a 17 percent increase. The base rate will increase to $91.75 in 2023 and $104.07 in 2024. 

Current  water and sewage rates for commercial customers inside the city limits are $68.67  for the first 2,000 gallons and will increase to $83.14, a 21 percent increase. The rate will increase to $92.84 in 2023 and $107.54 in 2024.

Commercial customers outside the city limits currently pay $78.70 for the first 2,000 gallons. That amount will see a 30 percent increase to $102.28 on Sep. 1. The rate will increase to $107.75 in 2023 and $134.42 in 2024.

In other business, council members also approved a contract with Todd Anderson to house animals picked up in the city limits by Animal Control. The city is allotted 20 animals a month but is limited to 360 per year. The cost is $1,287.04 a month or $15,444.48 annually.

Bonifay City Council will meet again in regular session at 6 p.m. on Aug. 22.


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