Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Regional group welcomes kids out for mud races

A group of people standing on top of a sandy beach.Kidz Unlimited Bounty Racing hosts mud races for kids, including an upcoming one at Mudd’n185 in Westville this Saturday. [CONTRIBUTED]


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Alex Henderson and his friend Daniel Brown, who owns an automotive shop in Alabama, saw a need for kids to get outside and enjoy mud riding-which motivated the two to organize meet-ups for said kids in Holmes County. 

Henderson, who lives in Alabama, and his friends are avid riders and want youngsters to be able to enjoy the hobby as well through a group called Kidz Unlimited Bounty Racing. Their next races will happen at Mudd’n185 in Westville at 1450 County Road 185 on Saturday, Oct. 21. 

‘You watch these kids, especially ones that haven’t done it,’ Henderson said. ‘There’s a range of emotions. I think it teaches them how to overcome their emotions-letting someone guide them through something they’re not used to.’

A group of people standing on top of a sandy beach.
Kidz Unlimited Bounty Racing hosts mud races for kids, including an upcoming one at Mudd’n185 in Westville this Saturday. [CONTRIBUTED]

For the kids that go on to bigger races, mud riding can teach kids discipline and hard work, he said. 

A trunk-or-treat event will be held on Friday, Oct. 20, the night before the ride at 6 p.m. A date for a future mudding meet-up will be reached after Saturday’s event. 

‘We’ll definitely be doing one in the spring,’ Henderson said.

The attendance at events can vary-30 are expected for Saturday’s event, though as many as 60 kids have participated in previous mud runs.

Pre-registration must be done before an event. Kids get to do more than ride in the mud at the meet-ups-they also get memorabilia. 

‘We’ll have a goody bag for them,’ Henderson said.

Visit the Kidz Unlimited Bounty Racing page on Facebook for more information.

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