Man arrested for child pornography

HOLMES COUNTY – Agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested Jason Thomas McCallister, 40, of Graceville, for10 counts of possession of child pornography

FDLE’s investigation began in September after agents identifiedimages of child pornography on a device belonging to McCallister. FDLE, with assistance of Holmes County Sheriff’s Office, served a search warrant at McCallister’s home this morning and identified videos of children being sexuallyabused, some of who appear to be under the age of five. 

McCallister was arrested and booked into the Holmes County Jail. The Office ofthe State Attorney, 14th Judicial Circuit, will prosecute this case.

For tips on keeping your children safe online, visit the Secure Floridawebsite at:

This article originally appeared on Washington County News: Man arrested for child pornography

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