Holmes County schools including Bonifay K-8, Holmes County High School, Poplar Springs Schools, and Bethlehem High School competed in the Florida State Beta Convention in Orlando held on January 8 through January 11. Students in elementary, junior, and senior divisions compete for awards in various STEM, creative, and academic competitions. Additionally, the National Beta Club organization holds polls each year for state and national titles that any beta student can enter in and start their own campaign.
Poplar Springs Elementary, Junior, and High School Awards: First place was awarded in Elementary 2D Design, Junior 2D Design, and Elementary Digitally Enhanced Photography to John Robert McCord. Ezra Brown secured first place in Elementary Recycled Art and also won Elementary Best in Show. Wesley Carnley earned first place in Elementary Drawing, Henley Cleveland in Elementary Quilling, LillieAnn Miller in Junior Cake Decorating, and Arianna Allen in Junior Mixed Media. Second place awards went to Elementary Living Literature and Elementary Onsite Drawing, with Desi Angerbrandt achieving the latter. Third place honors were awarded to Wesley Carnley for the Health and Physical Education Academic Test, Paul Pierce for Language Arts, and Reese Mattox for Senior Color Photography.
Bonifay K-8 Awards: First place was awarded to Aubrey Justice in Digital Photography. First place was also awarded to the K-8’s group projects including Scrapbook, Campaign Skit, Club Trading Pin, and Songfest. Second place went to Jylian Sallas, AJ Tate, and Brayden Hoover for Solo, Duo, Trio Performance. Third place was earned by Sam Vo in 8th Grade Math and by Jada Robles, Meredith Carpenter, Keegan Watson, and Mennika Coronel in Book Battle.

Holmes County High School Awards: HCHS’ Aaron Bailey was nominated as Florida State Vice-President. In Division I, Alexandria Bade earned 1st place in Quilling, and Kinsley Parker took 2nd place in Jewelry. In Division II, Cuy Holley won 1st place in Woodworking, Allison Reynolds secured 3rd place in Jewelry, and Nicole Young earned 2nd place in Mixed Media. The group’s talents brought home wins as well, with Scrapbook placing 3rd and Show Choir taking 1st place. Premier Performers Dancers included Bradlee Johnson, Shelby Gardner, and Raina Jackson. Premier Performers Singers were Morgan Peoples, Shelby Gardner, Bradlee Johnson, Raina Jackson, and Madalyn Crutchfield.

Bethlehem High School Awards: First place was awarded to Fatelynn Stubbendieck for Junior Black and White Photography, Alayna Hobbs for Junior Sculpture, Brantley Gilley for Junior Recyclable Art, and Breanna Miller for Senior Jewelry. Second place honors went to Aubrie Steen for Junior Pottery, Connor Deal in 7th Grade Science, Caleb Arrant for Junior 3D Design, as well as school group entries in Junior Accessorized Design, and Senior 2D Design. Third place was earned by Kayzli Paul for Junior Quilling, Adysen Hardy for Senior 3D Design, and Sydney Purvee for Senior Mixed Media.