Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Bonifay officials look to pursue grant funding for downtown redevelopment

[email protected]

Currently, some privately owned buildings in Downtown Bonifay are vacant.

However, officials and staff with the City of Bonifay are looking into pursuing grant money and using that funding to purchase the buildings and revitalize the area.

The Bonifay City Council unanimously approved going after grant money that would go towards purchasing downtown buildings that are not in use, with a goal of rejuvenating economic and social activity along the corridor.

No dollar amount was set as far as a grant, though City Executive Assistant Sierra Smith–who brought up pursuing the funding during a City Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 29–said the buildings in mind are priced around half a million dollars, based on an appraisal. The deadline to apply for a grant is towards the end of February. 

Smith said the plan is to renovate and remodel the buildings “so we can have additional businesses downtown to accompany those that are already there doing such a great job.”

In other news in Bonifay, Smith announced a $200,000 grant will go towards lighting upgrades for Veterans Park. If the City of Bonifay is awarded a matching grant, $400,000 will go towards renovating the park. 

“I think it is the most used park. It’ll come in handy, especially on evenings where it gets dark earlier,” Smith said. “I think it’ll be a benefit to our police department as they’re patrolling and hopefully help cut down on vandalism as well.” 

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