Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Bonify City Council moves election date


Bonifay City Council had their first reading of a new ordinance intended to move their city election date to align with the general election.

According to the ordinance read at their rescheduled January 31 meeting, Florida law provides that a city may change the date of its elections without referendum, regardless of charter provisions to the contrary. 

“Low voter turn-out is historically associated with off-cycle elections which do not coincide with a statewide general election; and the city incurs extra costs for its off-cycle elections” stated in the ordinance at the meeting. Additionally, the ordinance states they desire to align its municipal election with the statewide election held the first Tuesday of November in each even numbered year. 

The ordinance also states in order to align the city’s municipal election with the statewide general election, the terms of current officeholders must be extended to provide for the orderly transition of office resulting from the election date change.

“Shifting the city election to align with the general election cycle provides an opportunity to increase voter turnout. In March 2024, 275 out of 1,627 registered voters participated, and it was one of our larger election turnouts.” Larry Cook, Mayor of Bonifay, expressed his approval of the change. “This change not only encourages voter participation but also enables the Holmes County Supervisor of Elections to manage the entire election process. It will also be a cost-saving measure for the City of Bonifay.”

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