Trucks, helicopters and boats, oh my

A group of people in the back of an suv.The Griffin siblings from left: London, Benjamin and Hank packed into a tractor at the West Pittman Baptist Church Touch-A-Truck event. [DIANE M. MOORE | THE NEWS AND ADVERTISER]

West Pittman Baptist Church held its third annual Touch-A-Truck event on Saturday, Sept. 30, as a way to bring the community together and allow children to learn about all sorts of heavy equipment and vehicles. 

Event Coordinator Catherine Peel said the most important thing they wanted the event to do had nothing to do with the vehicles themselves. 

‘It is a great thing that these kids get to see and feel all of these things,’ Peel said. ‘But what we want most of all is to spread the love of Jesus Christ.’ 

With vendors, first responders, farmers, Florida Forestry Service, Fish and Wildlife Commission, and new this year a concrete pump truck and an airboat, the event was a success. More than 300 kids came out to enjoy the trucks. 

‘We’ve had a tremendous turnout,’ Peel said. ‘We couldn’t have done this without the help of everyone involved. We are very thankful to everyone who helped make this happen.’ 

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