Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Aaron Crawford Receives BCF Preaching Award

Faculty, staff, and students gathered around the gazebo at The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville on November 9, eager to hear from the Presidential Excellence in Preaching Award winner. Each semester, BCF Preaching Professors or Senior Administrator selects a deserving senior to preach before their peers and faculty during chapel. This semester, the prestigious award went to Aaron Crawford, who will graduate in the Spring 2021 semester.

After the BCF College Singers and One Voice Worship Team led in a time of praise and worship, BCF Academic Dean and Professor of Evangelism and Missions Robin Jumper announced Crawford as the award recipient and congratulated him on such a special honor.

Crawford is originally from Eustis, Fla., and attended the First Baptist Church of Tavares before starting college. He became a student at BCF in Fall of 2017 and will graduate with his degree in ministry studies. Known for his kind, servant’s heart, Crawford was selected to receive the $5000 distinguished Hopper Heritage Foundation Scholarship for the Fall 2020 semester. Crawford has served in the campus safety office on campus for the past three years and worked closely with Miller and Miller Investigative Security prior to coming to BCF. Upon graduation, Crawford plans to continue his education by attending Seminary and one day become a Chaplain in the United States Navy.

During the chapel service, Crawford shared from Ephesians 6:10-17 focusing on the unity with Christ and putting on the full armor of God. He posed the question, “Are you prepared for the evils of the world?” After meditating on that thought, he shared how we shouldn’t be afraid of the evils of this world. Every day we should get up and put on the “Full Armor of God.” From scripture, he referenced the belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, the sandals or gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. He read portions of Matthew 4, and how if God can use the Bible or sword of the spirt to fight off Satan then we can do the same thing to fight off the evil of the world today.

Crawford ended the message with a challenge, “I want you to go through the day asking yourself this one question, ‘Am I truly living by faith?” After the service, faculty and students congratulated Crawford on a job well done as he shared what the Lord put on his heart.

For more information on the upcoming events at The Baptist College of Florida please call 800.328.2660 or visit the website at

This article originally appeared on Washington County News: Aaron Crawford Receives BCF Preaching Award

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