The Holmes County Kiwanis Club recognized the staff from various local organizations who contributed to the success of the 80th Annual Championship Rodeo in Bonifay. Their assistance was essential, as they helped with everything from parking and ticket sales to managing the concession stands and security. Individuals and organizations recognized are as follows:
- Holmes Correctional Institute
- Holmes County Board of Commissioners
- Holmes County Development Commission
- Holmes County Chamber of Commerce
- Holmes County Sheriffs Office
- City of Bonifay
- Bonifay Police Department
- Bonifay Fire Department
- Sherie Mitchell, the veterinarian for the week of the rodeo
- Holmes County EMS
- Bonifay Woman’s Club
- HCHS Drama Club
- Holmes County 4-H
- HCHS Blue Pride Band
- Grace Church
- Grace Fellowship Church
- The Farm
- Kiwanis Board
- Grill Masters- Sam Bailey, Dean Baker, and Judge Brandon Young
- Hospitality Cookers- Howard Owens, Chris Owens, and Roger Swindle
- Eric Hudson
- Donna Meldon
- Chris Helms
- Zac Sellers
- Shan Hatfield
- Ethan Lemieux
- Brian Lemieux
- Chirs Helms

The Kiwanis Club is committed to ensuring that all support for the rodeo comes from local sources.